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母親節優惠 (5月1日至9日)
凡於門市購物滿$400,即可加$20換購環保手帕花一支 (原價$39)!


每年5月第二個星期六為世界公平貿易日。公平點與全球數百個機構一起推動及參與,今年主題是 Build Back Fairer,面對世紀疫症及長期失衡的經濟發展,我們共同倡議各國領袖及政府,不應只著眼於回復正常 (not back to normal),而是要推動一個公平及可持續的復原,帶來經濟及貿易系統的轉化,共建更公平社會 (Build Back Fairer)。

Build Back Fairer: Civil society alliance calls for the transformation of the economy and trade system for a just and sustainable recovery.


詳情可留意公平點Facebook 及 IG.


Download Full Statement 下載完整聲明

Key points:
…During the pandemic, some companies have taken short-term measures to protect their own interests while jeopardising the human rights of those in their supply chains: for example cancelling orders, while at the same time paying large dividends to their shareholders and claiming government bailouts…..
Returning to ¨business as usual¨ after the pandemic would reinforce the inequalities and unsustainability of our current system. Instead, a transformation of the economy and the governance of global supply chains is needed, not only in the interest of small producers and farmers, but also in the interest of present and future generations.

The transformations that we need (shortlisted):
- From free trade and neoliberalism … to fair trade public policy agendas, where an increasing share of trade is done in fair trade conditions, at local and international level.
- From a free market to a sustainability agenda with a smart mix of legal and bottom-up initiatives to transform supply chains, which enable all consumers to make sustainable and affordable consumption choices.
- From markets overflooded with cheap food and fast fashion…. to an ever-increasing market share for Fair Trade and Organic supply chains, with as much circularity as possible.
- From imbalances of power in supply chains… to economic democracy in supply chains, without corporate abuse and human rights violations, where small producers and workers have a strong voice.
- From a culture of “business secrecy”… to a culture of transparency, including supply chain transparency and information on how value is shared.
- From a dominant culture of consumerism… to a sustainable way of living, and a New Deal for Nature and the Planet.


電話及 whatsapp﹕852-3188 8064 | 傳真﹕852-3188 0064
辦公室及陳列室: 沙田石門安平街 8 號偉達中心2310室
佐敦店﹕彌敦道216-228號恆豐中心地庫 1B 層 28 號舖 (1B-28)
荃灣千色 Citistore 專櫃:千色 Citistore (荃灣店) 地下化妝部公平點專櫃
荃灣 D Park 愉景新城 L2 shop 2044

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